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Discipleship 2: Terminology & Significance

January 15, 2023 Speaker: Steve Cowden Series: What Is "Discipleship"?

Topic: Sermons Passage: Acts 11:26, Matthew 11:25–30

We cover the terminology and significance of "discipleship."



Disciple is biblical term, discipleship is not
Challenges to Discipleship
-Not in the Bible
-Not natural derivative
-Must externally defined
-Must gain consensus
-Must refer/trace back to scripture
If we are to properly use this term, it includes the entirety of Christianity.
Acts 11:26 “Disciples were first called Christians in Antioch”
Discipleship (definition) - personally following Jesus Christ as Messiah, Savior, and Risen Lord according to His word in the dynamic of the indwelling Holy Spirit. Inclusive of everything from repentance to the new heavens and new earth


The foundation of Discipleship is the eternal love of God in Sovereign grace bringing you to know him, “Come to me… Take my yoke and learn from me… and I will give you rest." A disciple is a follower of and learner from Christ.

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